King Room

  • Flatscreen TV
  • Ensuite Shower


Our King rooms are spacious with a modern uncluttered design. A comfortable King-sized bed adds to the sense of luxury. The ensuite bathroom features a power shower, sensor lighting, complimentary toiletries and a hairdryer. The rooms feature free hi-speed WiFi and a flat screen TV with satellite channels. Views from our King rooms vary between village and river/mountain.


Our King Room comes with the following features and facilities:

  • River View
  • Mountain View
  • Free Wifi
  • Flatscreen TV
  • Ensuite Shower
  • Free Toileteries
  • Hairdryer

Room Size

12.0 m2


No smoking

Accommodation rates (showing rates over a 30 day period)

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* cheapest rates shown, availability is not guaranteed, may be subject to minimum stay



Main Street,
Co. Donegal,


086 811 2292



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086 811 2292

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